Today's theme is *drum rolls*, what roles will HSJ have if they are our students?
Yabu-kun will be the reliable class president who will help me settle all the administrative stuffs for the class so that I, as a teacher, can sit back and relax.
Inoo-chan will be Yabu-kun's assistant and also the class vice president. Both of them will work together to help organise the class for the festivals, sports competitions as well as those school related activities which I don't really want to trouble myself with. xD
Takaki-kun will be the rebellious student in class who dress kind of sloppily and he will always sit at the back of the class, giving me the unhappy face when I call him up to answer questions. However, I know that deep inside, he is actually a very shy guy so he's mistaken as a cold guy because he seldom smiles.
Hikaru-kun will be the class clown as he will keep telling jokes and make the class laugh even in the middle of lessons. Sometimes he will give ridiculous answer which makes the class laugh. I have to admit that sometimes, he makes me laugh too but I can't have him disturb the class every single time. Therefore, he does earn a ticket out of the class now and then for his jokes.
Dai-chan will be the student who always sleeps in class. I will have to wake him up by smacking his head with my book, lightly of course. Sometimes, he might even mumble "5 more minutes" when his classmates try to wake him up. He gets send out of class too because he will turn up late for classes due to oversleeping. However, that doesn't help as sometimes he will sleep while being punished outside.
Yuto-kun will be the student who always drums with his pens. It does disturb the class especially when he drums on his table with his pens while the class is quietly trying to do their work. The class will usually shush him when he starts to drum. He's the third person to be sent out too because he disrupts the class. However, that doesn't help as he will bring his pens out and drum on the wall or windowpane or even his classmates who happened to be punished outside as well. He likes to drum on Dai-chan when they are punished together because Dai-chan just continue to sleep.
Yama-chan will be the talkative student who always talk to Hikaru-kun or Yuto-kun as he is in the same row (horizontally) as them. He also likes to stretch his hand in front and smack Chii-kun on his cheeks or pinch his cheeks in the middle of lessons. He, too, gets send out of the class for talking too much.
Chii-kun will be the student who is really attentive in class and hands in his homework on time with them being properly done. The only times he loses his concentration is when Yama-chan disturbs him. Sometimes, he won't hesitate to pinch Yama-chan's hand or poke them with his pen.
Ryu-chan will be the student who is usually very confused with his work and will look for me after class to clarify his doubts. The members of JUMP will also try their best to help him, even Takaki-kun. Most of the time in class, he will give the o.o? expression and imaginary question marks will start appearing above him or non-imaginary ones will appear as Hikaru-kun, who sits directly behind him, will draw question marks on his paper with a marker and hold it behind Ryu-chan's head.
Hence, in class, one will usually hear, "Arioka-san! Wake up!", "Nakajima-san! Stop doing that!", "Yaotome-san! That's enough!", "Yamada-san! Stop disturbing Chinen-san!" and "You! Out!"
However, despite giving me lots of headache, JUMP members have the best results in their examinations and of course, they are my favourite students ^^
<3 Aoi